Does My Cat Have a UTI?

Did you know that cats of all ages can be susceptible to urinary tract infections (UTIs), which can usually be solved with antibiotics?
Beyond urinary tract infections, cats can get blockages and bladder stones. These issues are unfortunately less easy to treat and might require surgery.
The veterinary professionals at Animal Care Center of Castle Pines have the expertise to diagnose and treat any feline urinary tract issues. Read on to find out more about the signs and symptoms of UTIs in cats, and how we can help you treat them.
Signs and Symptoms of Feline Urinary Tract Infections
Your cat's lower urinary tract houses their bladder and urethra. Much like the human body, urine is formed in the bladder and stored in the bladder. When your cat uses the litter box, it flows out of their body through the urethra.
When any of these parts of the urinary tract become infected or obstructed, your cat may begin exhibiting some of the following symptoms as a reaction to not being able to urinate as they usually do. These symptoms may include:
- Using the litter box often, but not passing large quantities of urine
- Blood in the urine
- Struggling to urinate
- Urinating in places other than the litter box
- Excessively licking their genitalia
These symptoms could indicate a serious urinary tract infection or blockage that needs immediate medical attention. Call Animal Care Center of Castle Pines right away to discuss these problems if you notice any of these symptoms.
What Causes Urinary Tract Infections in Cats?
UTIs in cats are caused by bacterial infections in the bladder or urethra. In order to diagnose a UTI in your cat, your vet will obtain a urine sample and perform a urinalysis so they can diagnose the condition. Your vet may also order blood tests to rule out kidney disease or diabetes. X-Rays can help to identify any potential blockages in the urinary tract, such as kidney stones.
How Do You Treat a Feline UTI?
Depending on the extent and cause of the urinary tract problems, the treatments can vary from cat to cat. If your cat has a UTI, a round of antibiotics can knock it out. If your cat's issues are caused by blockages, surgical treatment may be considered in order to remove the blockages.
Preventing Future UTIs
There are steps you can take to prevent your cat from developing any further urinary tract problems in the future. Follow these precautions to keep UTIs from reoccurring:
- Increase your cat's water intake by providing fresh, clean water and incorporating wet food, which has more moisture, into their diet.
- Feed your cat smaller meals on a more frequent basis.
- Provide multiple litter boxes.
- Keep litter boxes in quiet, secluded areas of your home.
- Clean your litter boxes regularly: scoop twice per day, change the litter weekly or more often as needed.
Feline UTI Treatment at Animal Care Center of Castle Pines
It can be uncomfortable and downright painful for a cat to live with urinary tract infections or blockages. If you suspect your cat may be having any urinary tract problems, contact your veterinarian immediately. If you're in the Castle Pines, Colorado area, the team at Animal Care Center of Castle Pines is more than happy to help you get your kitty back to normal. Call us today to make an appointment.