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How to Tell If Your Dog Has a Food Allergy

June 04, 2020

Food allergies are a common source of misery to humans and canines alike.

Dog food allergy symptoms range from vomiting and diarrhea to incessant scratching and ear infections. Allergy testing should be considered for any pet that is suffering from symptoms for more than four months out of the year. Animal Care Center of Castle Pines offers the highest quality allergy testing for dogs. With proper diagnosis and treatment, your dog can live a happy life free from allergy symptoms.

What Are the Most Common Dog Food Allergy Symptoms?

Dog food allergy symptoms can manifest as digestive issues, skin problems, or chronic infections. Monitor your dog's symptoms and work with your vet to determine whether they are caused by food allergies, seasonal allergies, or other ailments.

1. Digestive

Gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting, persistent diarrhea, and even stinky gas can be caused by food allergies. Dogs do tend to eat a lot of things they shouldn't, but if they exhibit chronic indigestion combined with other symptoms, a food allergy might be at fault.

2. Dermatological

Symptoms might also manifest as skin irritations. Itchiness, constant licking, hives, or inflamed skin can all indicate an allergic reaction. Dermatological symptoms could also be a reaction to flea bites or to environmental allergens like dust or pollen.

3. Inflammatory

Infections and inflammation can also indicate food allergies. Chronic ear infections, runny eyes, and swelling of the face, ears, lips, or eyelids can all be dog food allergy symptoms. Consult your vet to find out the cause and the appropriate treatment.

What Causes Dog Food Allergies?

Food allergies are a genetic response to what your dog's immune system views as invading proteins. Your dog's immune system mistakes proteins in the food for germs and provokes an allergic reaction. Many ordinary dog food ingredients can trigger allergies, and most dogs with food allergies have more than one trigger. Beef, lamb, chicken, eggs, dairy, wheat, soy, and corn are the most common allergens in dog food.

The best way to identify which foods trigger allergies is through allergy testing followed by an elimination diet. An elimination diet starts with feeding your dog only foods that they have never eaten before. Then, by gradually adding different types of foods back into your dog's diet, you can identify which foods are provoking allergic reactions. You'll have to monitor your dog closely during the process-make sure your dog doesn't eat anything they aren't supposed to, like scraps from the trash or treats from another person.

Contact Us

If you suspect that a food allergy is causing your dog's symptoms, contact Animal Care Center of Castle Pines to schedule an allergy test. We can help you determine whether your dog is having an adverse reaction to their current diet. Call us today at (303) 688-3660 to request an allergy screen for your dog!

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