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How Does Chronic Pain Affect Your Dog’s Behavior?

August 13, 2020

Dogs suffer from many of the same afflictions that humans do, but they don't always show it.

Hiding pain is part of a dog's survival instinct, which means that many dogs silently suffer from injuries, allergies, and diseases. It's important to learn to recognize signs of pain so that you can seek treatment as needed. The veterinarians at Animal Care Center of Castle Pines hate to see a dog in pain! We offer both traditional and alternative types of treatment, as well as dentistry, rehabilitation, and pain management consultations with a world-renowned specialist Dr. Jamie Gaynor.

How Can You Tell When a Dog Is in Pain?

Many different types of behavior can indicate that your dog is experiencing pain. Something as small as changing the way that they normally sit could mean that your dog is suffering. Dogs in pain give many subtle clues-whining, whimpering, excessive panting, staring vacantly, and even needing extra affection can all be all signs of pain. Some cues are more recognizable, such as yelping, limping, growling, or biting. Take note of any changes in your dog's behavior that suggest your dog is experiencing pain and report them to your veterinarian.

What Are the Symptoms of Chronic Pain?

Arthritis-limping, stiffness, difficulty moving or getting up, difficulty posturing to defecate, reluctance to play, reduced mobility, and irritability or flinching away from touch

  • ACL Tear-lameness, sitting abnormally, swelling of the knee, stiffness or clicking sounds while walking
  • Allergy Pain-obsessively licking or chewing on paws, legs, or other body parts, ear infections, runny eyes, swollen face, sneezing, hot spots, hair loss
  • Dental Pain-bad breath, brown teeth, preference for soft food, less play with chew toys or tug toys
  • Hip Dysplasia-decreased activity, reduced mobility, difficulty jumping or climbing stairs, "bunny hopping" or stiffness while walking, loss of thigh muscle or extra muscle growth in the shoulders

How Can I Help When My Dog Is in Pain?

Always consult a vet if you notice behavior changes that indicate pain - never try to treat your dog yourself. Until you find out what's wrong, provide lots of love and extra cushy beds to keep your dog as comfortable as possible. Only a veterinarian can diagnose your dog's condition, recommend treatments, and prescribe medications. Many common pain relief drugs are fatal to dogs. Never administer medicines or supplements unless they are prescribed by your veterinarian, and never change the dosage without your vet's permission.

How Does the Animal Care Center of Castle Pines Treat Dogs in Pain?

All of the veterinarians at Animal Care Center of Castle Pines can assess your pet's condition and recommend options for treatment and pain management. We have also partnered with Dr. James Gaynor, a board-certified expert in pain management, to offer in-house consultations several days per month. We will work together to find the right combination of dentistry, medications, rehabilitation, or alternative therapies to best relieve your dog's pain.

Contact Us

Don't let your dog suffer from injuries, allergies, or chronic diseases. If your dog is exhibiting signs of pain, contact Animal Care Center of Castle Pines to schedule an examination right away. Whether your dog needs relief from arthritis or helps to cope with allergic reactions, we will diagnose their condition and find the right treatment. When we see a dog in pain, we do everything we can to help.

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